
 The purpose of this project is to develop a peer-to-peer (P2P) application that can be used
 to play pencil-and-paper role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons(tm).

What makes WETT-P2P different from similar projects?

Latest Project News

There are a number of limitations in the other web-based role-playing systems that we'd like to overcome.

  • The inability to deal effectively with firewalls.
  • Loss of game continuity when players lose connections and have to reconnect.
  • Limited ability to handle situations where there are players in two or more distinct game locations.
  • Poor map handling.
  • Overall slow play.

We plan to take advantage of exisiting technology to speed development and overcome some of the technical obstacles such as firewalls. We also want to make the product as extensible as possible so that it can be used for multiple gaming systems and be easily adapted to meet individual tastes.

By using JXTA (www.jxta.org), we can overcome the problem of having players behind firewalls. As long as one player behind the firewall can reach any outside JXTA relay, anyone behind the firewall will be able to play.

We'd like to use the Netbeans (www.netbeans.org) platform to provide an application framework. This will allow us to concentrate on the core logic of the program rather than on desigining and coding an interface.

In order to provide high quality graphics without having a great deal of bandwidth, we plan on using SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), as our graphics format for icons, maps, and other graphical information.

How can I get involved? top

If you are interested in participating in the project send me, Ray Benjamin, an email that includes your SourceForge user name. I'll add you to the project. Once that's done, be sure to subscribe to the Developers Mailing List. That way you can keep up with what's going on. Then check out the project Wiki, a collaborative documentation system where we are currently working on requirements and design.

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Answer a survey on playing pen and paper RPG's on the web.

Contacts top

Credits top

This page would not be possible without SourceForge

Our Wiki is run by PhpWiki

* Dungeons and Dragons is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast.

Bryon produces first "Hatchling" Graphic.
    rben - 2002-12-10 10:42   -   Web Enabled Table Top
Bryon, our graphics artist, has produced a graphic of our mascot for the "Hatchling" release. It is posted in the Graphics Pot under Splash Screens in the Wiki. Please take a look and comment. If you hate it, love it, think something should be different, please give us feedback. Also, it would be nice to have a name for the mascot, but I don't have any bright ideas, so I'm looking for suggestions. Just nothing with "zilla" in it, please. :)
Progress on CombatManager for WETT
    rben - 2002-12-10 10:37   -   Web Enabled Table Top
Zyrca has made some significant progress on her Combat Manager module. Yesterday she had two creatures engage each other in combat for the first time. Her eventual aim is to create Artificial Intelligence agents that can be used to run NPC's for the Game Master. At first the Combat Manager will interact with the players and the GM through the Chat interface but we expect to integrate it with the Mapper module later on. I expect that the Combat Manager will speed up combat greatly and take a great deal of work off the hands of the Game Master. -- Ray
SVG Code Sent to Andrew
    rben - 2002-11-27 20:51   -   Web Enabled Table Top
Andrew Carey is leading the work Mapper, so I sent him the code I have developed for an application called SVG Illuminator. Illuminator is a drawing application that saves the drawings as SVG code. Right now it's incomplete, since it can only save SVG; it can't read it back in and recreate the drawing from it. I've been considering setting it up as a separate project, since it could probably be complete in fairly short order and then we could use the code in the Mapper and any other place we need SVG editing and display. -- Ray

Current Status

Right now we are gathering and recording specifications, recruiting help, and assessing various technologies that might help us create this program.

Tracker Tracker

 - Bugs ( 1 open / 1 total )
Bug Tracking System

 - Support Requests ( 0 open / 0 total )
Tech Support Tracking System

 - Patches ( 0 open / 0 total )
Patch Tracking System

 - Feature Requests ( 0 open / 0 total )
Feature Request Tracking System

Forums Forums ( 3 messages in 3 forums )
Docs Doc Manager
Mail Lists Mailing Lists ( 14 mailing lists )
Tasks Task Manager
  - Project Management
  - Develop GUI Prototype
  - Mapper Prototype
  - DataManager Prototype
  - CombatManager Prototype
  - MessageHandler Prototype
  - JXTA Comm Layer Prototype
  - ChatManager Prototype
  - Gather Requirments
  - Initial Design
  - Recruit Developers
Surveys Surveys ( 1 surveys )
CVS CVS Tree ( 118 commits, 67 adds )
FTP Released Files